Onyx Sand Porcelain Tile

$5.49 – $6.49/sqft
12″x24″ or 24″x24″
Matte or Polished

Rectified porcelain tile with a marble look.

$87.84$103.84 /box


Add 10% for waste and reserve.

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This porcelain tile has a natural stone look featuring subtle tones of creams, whites and greys in matte and polished finishes. Available in 12″x24″ and 24″x24″ with rectified edges. These tiles contain 38% post-industrial (in-house) recycled content.

Matte & Flamed Suitable For: Residential walls and floors. Commercial walls, high traffic floors. Indoors only.
Polished Suitable For: Residential walls and floors. Commercial walls, medium-high traffic floors. Indoors only.
Pieces/box 12×24 – 8 pcs
24×24 – 4 pcs
Sqft/box 12×24 – 16 sqft
24×24 – 16 sqft
LB/box 12×24 – 72 lbs
24×24 – 68 lbs
Colour Variation V4
Water Absorption < 0.5%
Dynamic C.O.F. < 0.42
Bending / Breaking Strength >1200N
Modulus of Rupture >35 N/mm²
Deep Abrasion Resistance <175 mm³
Chemical Resistance min. UB
Frost Resistance Yes
Stain Resistance > Class 3

Technical data is supplied by the manufacturer and is subject to change at any time.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

12" x 24", 24" x 24"


Matte, Polished